Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 30th

Having lunch at KOTO-Know One Teach One, a training restaurant for under privileged kids after the Temple of Literature.

Temple of Literature.

The mandarins or doctorate degrees names were written on these stone turtles.

At the Temple of Literature.

At the Temple of Literature. There was a series of courtyards.
She didn't do too, bad, but has some great faces. Since that first day eating it twice, she's kind of boycotted though.

Haven's 1st Rice Cereal.

Hence, the name Church Street. This is the Hanoi Cathedral, in the flavor of Notre Dame under the French influence.

Dinner at Mediterano on Church Street.

Sorry we haven't posted in a couple of days. We've been really busy. Tuesday we were out seeing the Temple of Literature, Hanoi's oldest university, and the Ethnology Museum with lunch at KOTO.

On Wednesday, we had 3 different official appts. We had to pick up Haven's Vietnamese passport, go the International Medical Clinic for visa check-up, and then go file all her paperwork at the Embassy. Today, Thursday at 2pm we go back to the Embassy for our interview. Hopefully we'll be picking up her visa by 5pm tonight. Then we'll be done with all the official stuff. Please say a prayer for us when you read this that everything went well.

Love to all,

1 comment:

Ana said...

I'm very sure everything went well -- so HURRAY!!

You guys look like you are enjoying Hanoi so much.

Since everything went perfect at the Embassy earlier.... does this mean you'll be leaving as planned and home for someone's birthday?


Ana, Nick and Jasmine