Sunday, October 26, 2008

Eric's Morning Ritual - Waiting for Coffee

Yup. It's that time of day again where I find myself waiting for the first cup of joe. Patiently waiting, watching every precious drip brewed just the way I like it. Sure you might think being 2 and 358 days old is a breeze, but lately I can hardly keep up with this crazy world. There is only so much fun a guy can have before he asks "When is this merry-go-round going to stop?!!" The parties, the games, the snacks, wrestling and playing and running and jumping and pretending to be a tiger, climbing in treehouses, picking apples from the neighbors tree, or off the ground, whichever is closer. I'M POOPED! I'm just not 2 and a half anymore. It's hard to know my own limits. Just last night I was at the zoo dressed as a tiger and growling at everybody. It was a gas! Me and the gang tromped around getting strange people to stuff goodies in our bags. It was like taking candy from a baby...well, a really large baby dressed up as one of the KISS members. I'm really not sure what that even is. But after that we met back at the shack and divided up the loot. It was one of my best nights yet. Then we were only allowed to devour a few items and store the rest... OUT OF MY REACH!! But you have to realize that at this age, I just don't see 9:30 pm very often anymore. I need to start taking it easy. Naps are getting longer, I eat more than I ever have. I think I even forgot to shave this week. I've really let myself go. Put on a couple pounds or so. You see, a lot changes when you aren't the baby of the family anymore, you gotta start taking responsibility for yourself. At least that's what Uncle Dave tells me. I tell myself it'll get better, yeah I'll start doing things different... but not yet. As long as I've got gas in my tank... or... well you know what I mean. Okay, coffee's on. I'll see you later.

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