Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 22nd

Hi All,

Haven is just waking up from a nap as I type this so I probably don't have long. Mike is out with our guide doing something with Haven's passport. We're going to go check out the buffet breakfast pretty soon with or without Mike and see how that goes. We've had some pretty interesting dining experiences thus far, but those may have to wait for a later post. PTL! We haven't gotten very sick just a bit unsettled from the general travel. Funny thing is we're usually not hungry during the day, but definitely in the middle of the night when we give Haven her bottle. Our stomachs haven't figured out the whole opposite time change thing yet.

Haven is such a good baby. She sleeps well, eats well, which I'm sure you could see from her referral picture. If anything her chin, is even bigger. Very, very healthy. Since she's a 4 month old that isn't always feeling her best though, we've still been pretty busy. One thing she is not patient about is her bottle. When she's decided that she wants it, you better be ready.

I promise, I'll try and get Mike's help to get some pictures up today. Even if I have to hog tie him. For those that know him or don't, he's a Systems Administration Manager so a complete freak (rightly so) about internet security and password security so everything has to be done through a secure channel...takes extra time and my patience. LOL Also, the computer is chained to the table, but still has to be put away and secured in the safe each time we use it. (Big sigh from Shae). Mike if you read this post, I love you hon. Poor Mike he never had much time to get into the blogger or Yahoo group world so he doesn't always equate the same importance as I do (or everyone back home) to these things. So bear with us.

Obviously, I'm the patient type and perfect myself (ha, ha).

The ride here was interesting, but I can't wait to experience more of Hanoi traffic. Aye, yai, yai. It looks like chaos on the roads, but really they do sort of have a system...sort of. Hee, hee. We actually really liked seeing the countryside and for the most part find the ride an adventure with a few close calls and thrills thrown in for good measure. Picture one long game of playing chicken with the oncoming traffic over and over and over again to pass all the trucks, cars, bicycles, motorbikes, water buffalo, water buffalo crossing the road, water buffalo carts, pony carts, jaywalkers who don't look at all before walking into traffic, dogs, chickens, geese, etc. You honk to signal you're passing or for the smaller traffic to hopefully get over a bit and flash your lights at the oncoming traffic. Hopefully they acknowledge you. They have lanes, but don't really use them much. We're very glad we're not doing the driving. On the long drive yesterday, we actually had one little boy step in front of our SUV and take a stance like he was going to challenge the car. Thankfully, we stopped in time.

Well I've got to run, but will try and fill you in more later. We'll probably stick pretty close to the hotel today. Maybe try and figure out the washer and dryer. It's all one machine. Haven is kind of a spitter though so she and I are in need of some clean clothes.

Love to all,

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