Friday, December 21, 2012

Branson Trip--Christmas Post 5 of 5

Our other big trip of the year was to Branson over Spring Break the first week of April.  It turned into more of an adventure than we originally had planned as we (as well as Shae’s folks) took Shannon and Scott’s 4 kids as well as our own 3 for the week so they could study for their RN Nursing program finals.  4 adults and 7 kids made for a busy week.  It was fun, but maybe not as relaxing as the originally planned trip which seems to be the theme for most of our vacations.  We just think we’re going to relax.  Ha ha!  We enjoyed some time all piled into one large suite at the Big Cedar resort  where we enjoyed one dumped canoe for a couple of our family members and a Gilligan’s Island style “short” ½ hour nature walk in the woods that resulted in an almost 3 hour unplanned  hike up the mountain in the dark.  Yes, we were lost.  We were on a trail, but had no idea where the trail led.  7 kids including a 3 year old that had to be carried, 2 seniors (sorry Mom and Dad) and lots of night blind women/girls with one tiny flashlight that we could only use to verify the path once in awhile…good times.  Hey, we all survived with no broken necks so it was a success.  We made for a funny processional and process.  Mike led carrying Haven, then the 3 little boys (ages 6, 7, 8), then Shae, then the older nieces, then Shae’s Mom, then her Dad who was helping Shannon’s youngest the other 6 year old.  Each person pointed out each tree root and step down/up to the person behind them since the trail was full of them.  We went slip sliding and tripping along, but made it out to tell the story and no one even had poison ivy or was mauled by a mountain lion.  It’s funny how guys and girls react differently to glowing eyes in the woods.  Guys want to stick around and investigate.  The girls wanted to keep moving as fast as possible.  The second part of the week was less eventful.  We moved to separate condos and enjoyed some days at Silver Dollar City.

The 3 kids enjoying the view off our deck at Big Cedar.

Mealtime was a fun adventure with 4 adults and 7 kids.

at Silver Dollar City

the 5 Munchkins

Taking a break for lunch at Silver Dollar City

the boys enjoying the playground at Table Rock State Park

The brave souls that rode the different roller coasters.

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