Monday, May 5, 2008

Dossier Found, One More Prayer Request Answered

Per an email from our agency, our dossier was delivered to our in-country employee on April 15th. It's already been translated and notarized. Mr. Le will take it on his next trip to Hanoi and get it logged in with the DIA (Dept. of Intl Adoption...the Vietnamese side of things).

This is just wonderful news. There was some confusion in the process. Mr. Le thought our agency director was asking about a different package. FedEx still doesn't know that it's been delivered. Prayer delivered our dossier....not FedEx.

This is a huge praise. Thanks to all who have been praying for us. It's working.

So today's prayer requests:

1) That we would receive our referral in time (by Sept. 1). This means that an adoptable child has to be in the orphanage by June 1st to be processed in time.

2) That the Lord would match the perfect little one with our family. Due to the current circumstances with Vietnam--age is a lot more unknown than it used to be. We would really like to maintain birth order.

3) For a healthy child. It sounds like the current referrals are coming from an even more rural part of the province and so there was probably even less funds available for the children's care.

4) This is on another topic. A cyclone hit Myanmar (Burma). There are already 4000 known deceased and as many as 3000 missing in just one neighboring town. One of the children we sponsor with World Vision is from Myanmar. Her name is Aye Soe Min. We would appreciate your prayers for her, her family, and her country.

Thanks so much. We so appreciate your prayers.


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